GNU/Linux Awesome WM Get Started Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-step How to QuickStart easily with the Awesome Desktop on GNU/Linux Systems.
And with the Insight contained in this Guide you’ll be able to QuickStart Easily with Awesome Desktop.
Because the Awesome Desktop Documentation have chosen to use a Cryptic and Intimidating Dictionary of Terms.
Especially relevant, if you have already see the Official Awesome Documentation then here is a little Translation of Terms that can confuse you on first entry:
- Mod4 = Cmd/Win
- Tag = Desktop
- Client = Window
- Button1 = Usually the Left-Click
- Button3 = Usually the Right-Click
Finally, I want to Congratulate sincerly with the Awesome Desktop Creator for his GNU/Linux Window Manager Masterpiece.
1. Working with Command Line
Here are Resumed the Command Line instructions
Try it yourself to familiarize with
Launching Terminal:Cmd/Win+Enter
Closing Terminal or App:
The Cmd/Win Key is the second on the Left of the Space bar.
And as I underlined in Intro it’s called Mod4 by the Awesome Documentation.How to QuickStart with Command Line on GNU/Linux